Adam Briggs
Adam Briggs
Adam Briggs joins the Website Essentials team.
He found me in the naughties and we imported him from England on a 457 visa and help to make this Irish man an Aussie. Adam Briggs is, in my opinion one of the top 10 in the Adwords game in Australia, and believe me, I used to know them all.
Adam Briggs has a vast amount of agency and Google Adwords Reseller background and I am pleased to say, that he is developing some serious software at the moment and has consented to come back to old friends and work with us at Website Essentials.

Adam Briggs now joins his old ex Hot Goanna TM mates, including Chenoa, Melanie, Ross and I, and its a bit like old home week, but we are all working together with the vast knowledge base we have to give our clients a better result in all things search and Google.
The new project that he is working on is exciting to say the least. There is nothing like it that I have seen or found in the world. We have been chosen to be part of the Beta test team and I can see advantages in this for us as a paid client, and for all those that self manage the most difficult of software programs (except the Tax Office) Google Adwords.
I am pleased that there are 4 old Goannas currently available to assist our staff and clients to do a better job on their online marketing, reporting and analysis. If the rest of the team was available, I would try to hire them today, just like Adam Briggs.
When you have worked with the best, you want the best,, and when you deliver the best to your clients, you are successful and a partner for those that pay you to do a service for them. It doesn’t get any better than that…